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Tag: steph marks

Do you cheer when YOU cross the finish line?

Do you cheer when YOU cross the finish line?

If you read my previous post, you’ll know we were getting set to talk about The Four Agreements, starting today. It is a book that has the potential to transform your life, and breaking down each of the agreements seemed like the next thing on my horizon. That was the plan. But I got to thinking about the commitments we complete. About how we make a commitment or take on a challenge, and when we finish — we actually cross the finish…

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Keep Calm and Create a New Habit

Keep Calm and Create a New Habit

For the last several days, we have been talking about creating some new habits, and I know from personal experience, that is no easy task. Drinking more water may be simple enough, and eating more veggies is doable. Remembering to show gratitude and laughing more? Those may take a little more work. And that meditation habit? Ooh,that one might be the most challenging of all, but I assure you — it’s worth it! So now it’s time to implement. Pick…

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Go Ahead, Laugh! It’s Good for You

Go Ahead, Laugh! It’s Good for You

Happy Friday! I have a question for you. Did you get some good laughs today? Awhile back I noticed that I had developed the nasty habit of taking myself just a wee smidge too seriously. I would do something totally goofy, and all I could say was, “Gee, Steph, really? What’s the problem?” Let me tell you, when I realized what I was doing, I made haste replacing my grumpy face with a happy one. Taking myself so seriously when…

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3 Practices to Raise Your Gratitude Expression

3 Practices to Raise Your Gratitude Expression

Quick! Tell me the difference between thankful and grateful. Can you do it? These two words are pretty much used interchangeably, so I decided to find out. For me, their meanings seem to be similar, but somehow being grateful seems warmer, maybe a bit more heartfelt, more appreciative than being thankful. What do I know? I went to the professionals at, and here’s the verdict: thankful – feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative grateful – warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness…

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6 Styles of Meditation to Help You Start!

6 Styles of Meditation to Help You Start!

It’s time to talk about another habit you might want to add to your day, and I couldn’t let this discussion get by without including meditation. If you watch or listen to news, spend any time on the internet, or peruse magazines while standing in line at the grocery store, you know meditation is a hot topic right now — trending, I believe they call it. And with good reason. It’s good for you – for your mind, body, and…

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Got veggies on your plate? 5 Ways to Add Some

Got veggies on your plate? 5 Ways to Add Some

Good habits week marches on! We’re already halfway through. And today, as you might guess from that little green face peering at you over there, we’re talking about … ta-daaaaaaah… EATING. MORE. VEGGIIIIIIIEEEEEEEESSSSSS! You know you wanna! Disclaimer: I am a hard-core veggie lover. Anything I say here can and will be used to encourage you to eat more carrots and cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, green beans and garbanzos — OK, garbanzos are a legume but they do go…

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I’m Picking Up Good Hydration

I’m Picking Up Good Hydration

This week we’re talking about habits, more specifically about habits we might want to add to our personal routine for better health. This one is a biggie. Do you keep your body hydrated each day, in other words, are you drinking enough water? Skimping on the sips can cause you to feel sluggish and tired. Creating a habit of getting enough to drink each day, particularly enough water, is a favor your body will greatly appreciate. Take a look at…

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Where Do the Good Habits Go?

Where Do the Good Habits Go?

I don’t know about you, but I love smoothies. Fruit smoothies. Green smoothies. Superfood smoothies. I’ve rarely met a smoothie I didn’t like. When the oldest grandson was 2 1/2 or 3, he was fascinated with those connections that came out of our blender and decided he wanted us to make a ‘smoovie’ for him. I don’t think ours were quite like what his mama made at home but we got two thumbs up. At that particular time, we had at…

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7 Shades of Self-Care

7 Shades of Self-Care

As we come to the close of our week of looking at self-care, what could arrive with better timing than Valentine’s Day? At this time of year when the celebration is all about love, it is important to remember to include ourselves. Do you think it’s selfish to love yourself? I believe that only when you love yourself can you truly love others. Practicing self-care is a great way to show love to ourselves. I hope this week has given you something…

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3 Questions to Ask Before You Speak

3 Questions to Ask Before You Speak

Have you noticed lately the way people speak to one another? I suppose I am what you would call old school, but I still have a great appreciation for respect and kindness. I don’t hear much of that these days. People constantly blurt out all manner of comments, remarks, and insults, then shrug and explain that they have no filters. I guess that is one way of looking at it; maybe just not what I would call it. Without getting…

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