Where Do the Good Habits Go?
I don’t know about you, but I love smoothies. Fruit smoothies. Green smoothies. Superfood smoothies. I’ve rarely met a smoothie I didn’t like.
When the oldest grandson was 2 1/2 or 3, he was fascinated with those connections that came out of our blender and decided he wanted us to make a ‘smoovie’ for him. I don’t think ours were quite like what his mama made at home but we got two thumbs up.
At that particular time, we had at least one smoothie every day. It was a great way to get some extra fruits and veggies into the diet, and they tasted great.
Life happened. We got busy. And even though we always had the ingredients on hand, making those smoothies became a more and more rare occurrence. We talked about it but never seemed to get around to making them.
And a lightbulb went off. Why were we neglecting what, for us, was a beneficial practice? It didn’t take long to make them. What happened?
I don’t know about you, but I have a couple of habits that I would just as soon let go of. And let me tell you, they hold on for dear life. I won’t say they are impossible to get rid of, but darn near.
On the other hand, good habits like drinking smoothies, eating more veggies, spending more time outdoors, exercising regularly — sometimes these go along really well for awhile and then — BAM! — they are nowhere to be found.
I hope this is not your experience.
So what helps a good habit stick? I believe it’s your WHY — the reason behind the habit. Did you see someone else doing it, and it seemed like it might be good for you too?
Did your doctor tell you it was time?
Did you feel bad because you knew it was good for you and you weren’t doing it?
OR …
Did you give the new habit (behavior) some thought? Pro’s. Cons. Feasibility.
Did you ask yourself why you wanted to take it on and then make an informed decision?
Well, friends, these are some things to consider, and I hope you will do just that. Over the next few days, let’s look at some of these ‘good’ habits we might consider adding to our lives if we are not already doing them.
Can you think of a new habit you would like to add to your life?
Steph Marks
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Dear friends in the Northeast being battered by snow,
I am doing a happy snow dance for our area only. There is frozen precipitation in our forecast, and we haven’t had over an inch of snow for the last four winters. I like snow! Maybe it will come here and not there. XO