An Expert Talks About the Art of Saying “No”
As we continue our journey into self-care, I would like to share with you a video from Cheryl Richardson.
Cheryl is a life coach who has done much to promote the practice of self-care. In fact, she wrote a book in 2009 entitled The Art of Extreme Self-Care, which is an intensive year-long program to make self-care an active part of your life. I consider her to be one of the premier experts on this subject.
One thing I will say about Cheryl’s work. It is not for sissies. She calls things as she sees them, and I guarantee that she will rock your world with some of her suggestions. One idea which she advocates is to say ‘no’ when you are unable to or simply do not want to fulfill a request. Take a look at this video on the subject of how to consider your response when asked to do something.
Our days are filled with all kinds of demands and expectations. Saying ‘yes’ to every one of these is exhausting and often frustrating. I challenge you to at least look at the possibility of taking back a piece of your life by considering each request made of you and decide to say ‘no’ when it is in your best interest to do so. Trust me: it’s good for your health.
Can you think of something you recently have been asked to do that you don’t want to do?
Learning self-care,
Steph Marks
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Have you started finding ways to implement self-care into your days? How is that working out for you so far? It can be a really big stretch when you have neglected yourself for many years. Don’t give up. And if you have something to share, you can do that in the space below.
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