4 or 5 Ways Not to Prepare for a Series on Self-Care
What happens when a kind and brave soul puts herself out there with an offer and a promise of things to come? Do the heavens open and pour forth golden blessings, or does the sh*t hit the fan?
First, a little background.
For the last several days, I have been planning a series (or whatever it might turn into) on self-care, which is to start the first of the week. I am a firm believer in the importance and necessity of self-care, particularly for women, as we tend to be all things to all people and all situations except ourselves. I would like to shine a little light on that situation.
Let me tell you about my day.
I had big plans to spend some time with my upcoming adventure. Brainstorm a little. Write a little. I would be ready to burst onto the scene bright and shiny in the morning with a great blog post, some snappy images with pithy (I do not speak with a lisp) quotes, and a few great articles gathered from ’round about the interwebs to support and enhance my copy.
First, let me say in my favor, I did not wear my jammies all day but instead put on some clothes, including my grandma sweater. Someday I will tell you about my grandma sweater, but not this day. (I know you can hardly wait!)
In my grand effort to prepare for my foray into self-care, and I really, honestly, truly do know a few things about it, this is what my day has looked like:
- slept late after staying up too late
- had a chicken sandwich for breakfast around 10:00
- drank cranberry juice, coffee, and a glass of Coke (always my go-to when I feel like I am going somewhere in a handbasket)
- placed chicken in the Crock Pot and turned the dial to “High”
- watched a few videos about blogging
- sat at my desk and played Zuma Blitz and Mahjong Trails
- practically had a meltdown about clutter, social media, and indecisiveness
- thought about going to the gym … tomorrow
Now really in and of themselves, none of those things are bad, but at least five of them are diversionary tactics I use when I’m feeling vulnerable and unsure of myself. I’ll leave it to you to discern which ones fit that criteria.
Today, I feel vulnerable and unsure of myself. I also miss my mom. Still I press on.
So my plan is still to start talking to you about self-care tomorrow. I believe it was Richard Bach who said,
You teach best what you most need to learn.
Let me tell you, friends and neighbors, I am for sure qualified because I need to brush up on self-care just a smidge. I’m also ready to get started. We’ll walk this path together and see what we can come up with. I hope you’ll join me.
How do you manage to come out the other side when you have days like these?*
Hugs and self-care,
Steph Marks
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* Or maybe you don’t have days like these. If not, may I offer you many kudos? If you’d like to talk about it, there’s space below for you to do just that. Until tomorrow, hidy-ho, good neighbor.