5 More Ways to Pay Attention to Your Words
I’ll be honest, friends. I am participating in a 21-day blog challenge, which to me means write a blog post a day for 21 days.. Now I could sit down and write two or three a day till I get to 21, but that’s not how much mind works.
Having said that, the old gal (me) took care of the two-year-old grandson with the runny nose today, and I’m kind of beat. Therefore, I am going to segue from my self-care track and share a little more along the lines of how we speak to one another. A few days ago, I wrote about three questions to ask yourself before speaking. It’s such an important topic.
This evening as I was reading through Facebook, I found this graphic posted by Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and I really wanted to share it with you. It goes without explanation, so tonight I will leave you with this.
Do you give thought to your words or just blurt them out as they come up?
Speak mindfully,
Steph Marks
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I’ll be back tomorrow with the ‘whys’ of self-care.